this is the holiday season, eh? well it's not too cold anyway. i'm in mn, and sometimes it is cold. hope all dear readers are having a pleasant holiday season or whatever, just um, good times, have some, for whatever reason you so choose...
anyway this is a music blog of sorts, yes, and there is for surez all manner of awesome x-mas stuff out there on thee internet that i could find and tell you about. unfortunately(speaking of unfortunately, been hearing on myspace that if you google unfortunately+yername you can get funny results. fyi.), i am on dial up right now. which means no fast searching or listening to anything i might find. damn it.
so i am going to make a recomendation that y'all track down the song "merry christmas, I fucked your snowman" by the showcase showdown. brilliant.
and otherwise i guess you're on your own. find my link to some assembly required's webpage in one of my earlier posts and go there for Jon Nelson's collection of x-mas mash-ups. damn cool, yeah.
and i guess you can check this out, i ain't heard the christmas cover here yet but i am sure it rocks, their other songs are super duper! well, now that it's finally
loaded, i'm not sure they've put up a x-mas cover, someone told me they did... well check 'em out anyhow. yeah.
gotta run, my angry roommate wants crappy laptop and dialup back. hmmph.
have pleasant holly day.
fledgeling music blog to share auditory stimulation I find fascinating; could be anything from avant garde sound art sample collage to indie folk industrial hip-hop or somesuch madness ;) also will be makin' 'n' sharin' eclectic cd length mp3 mixes monthly-bimonthly
too busy for miscellaneous music discovery helping only enough time to say hello and update, this is an update, look there is something new on my page isn't it exciting yo
do you like bird sounds? do you mayhap want some sounds to integrate in some sort of audio project? i like to do that, i find miscellaneous sounds on the internet and take them and fuck with them and do stuff with them it is ever so exciting
here are some wav files of birdies
radical dudez and dudettez
i am amaking a multichannel audio something without any bird noises... unless i decide to throw some in for the fuck of it whic is entirely possible. there is an interesting stretched out bagpipe and some fucked up elephant growls with cat purrs... um convolution. convolution is the coolest shit ever... well excepting perhaps for the multichannel sound... i dig multichannel many bunches of lots of lots it's tip-top of cool
here's what i found when i did an altavista audio search for "jesus fruit"
and pastor robort porkchop
and "steel jesus"
an mp3 lives here you will hear it if you click right here yo
this is another mp3 at another internet site on the internet just click here yay
"gay jesus"
this here's a link that will take you a nother web space far away
this is an interesting lil' ol' mp3 file. really really, you gotta go check this shit out homiez. hmmm...
ooh, ooh- here's another link i found! link! link! link!
oh yeah, this IS the SHIT! DAMN!
and i found this too somehow or other
the herbster trio
and another random search happened me into this lil' mash-up page that seems as though it mayhap be worthwhile.
click here to go the mash up page i found
woo! i need to go back to making multichannel project, no more fucko-ing about on this internet for me...
do you like bird sounds? do you mayhap want some sounds to integrate in some sort of audio project? i like to do that, i find miscellaneous sounds on the internet and take them and fuck with them and do stuff with them it is ever so exciting
here are some wav files of birdies
radical dudez and dudettez
i am amaking a multichannel audio something without any bird noises... unless i decide to throw some in for the fuck of it whic is entirely possible. there is an interesting stretched out bagpipe and some fucked up elephant growls with cat purrs... um convolution. convolution is the coolest shit ever... well excepting perhaps for the multichannel sound... i dig multichannel many bunches of lots of lots it's tip-top of cool
here's what i found when i did an altavista audio search for "jesus fruit"
and pastor robort porkchop
and "steel jesus"
an mp3 lives here you will hear it if you click right here yo
this is another mp3 at another internet site on the internet just click here yay
"gay jesus"
this here's a link that will take you a nother web space far away
this is an interesting lil' ol' mp3 file. really really, you gotta go check this shit out homiez. hmmm...
ooh, ooh- here's another link i found! link! link! link!
oh yeah, this IS the SHIT! DAMN!
and i found this too somehow or other
the herbster trio
and another random search happened me into this lil' mash-up page that seems as though it mayhap be worthwhile.
click here to go the mash up page i found
woo! i need to go back to making multichannel project, no more fucko-ing about on this internet for me...
like a dog without a bone
i am without sleeping, tho sleep is not something i can eat. today i say unto y'all dear readers and music fans, go visit the place you go when you click on this text and be either very amazed or very annoyed or some combination thereof. indeed.
here is a hot hot item that you have to check out, truly waste no time! download this song and than visit the party party for more! 'tis U2 cover you shall never forget. Promise.
in exploring things of this nature, props must be given wherein they are do, and thusly i cannot leave out the Evolution Control Committee. Check out the Star Spangled Bologna and click on their name there to go to their site and find more awesome stuff! Also very worthy of checking out and quite possibly you've already heard- Dan Rather as you've heard him before a zillion times, all in one tune. Or at least, I think it's Dan Rather, isn't it?
an interesting interesting thing, do check out "the droplift project" website, a whole copyright free c.d. that peeps put together, and snuck INTO music stores... all trax are downloadable at the site. this here is one of my fave trax.
Of course I cannot have a discussion of musics of this type without mention of Negativland. thee historic track the letter U and the numeral 2.
almost forgot, check out the Free Speech for Sale Superstore featuring such exciting products as IGA
Pineapple Party!
and other good things, go see the former yugoslavia and check out such things as Jesus Built My Strobelight a mash-up sort-of thing that will get stuck in your head most likely, did in mine. and check out Eminem kickin' it w/ Big Black or gettin' shady classical style....
yippety skippety. gotta stop f*cking round on this internet and go home and sleep! been up since sunday! argh!
here is a hot hot item that you have to check out, truly waste no time! download this song and than visit the party party for more! 'tis U2 cover you shall never forget. Promise.
in exploring things of this nature, props must be given wherein they are do, and thusly i cannot leave out the Evolution Control Committee. Check out the Star Spangled Bologna and click on their name there to go to their site and find more awesome stuff! Also very worthy of checking out and quite possibly you've already heard- Dan Rather as you've heard him before a zillion times, all in one tune. Or at least, I think it's Dan Rather, isn't it?
an interesting interesting thing, do check out "the droplift project" website, a whole copyright free c.d. that peeps put together, and snuck INTO music stores... all trax are downloadable at the site. this here is one of my fave trax.
Of course I cannot have a discussion of musics of this type without mention of Negativland. thee historic track the letter U and the numeral 2.
almost forgot, check out the Free Speech for Sale Superstore featuring such exciting products as IGA
Pineapple Party!
and other good things, go see the former yugoslavia and check out such things as Jesus Built My Strobelight a mash-up sort-of thing that will get stuck in your head most likely, did in mine. and check out Eminem kickin' it w/ Big Black or gettin' shady classical style....
yippety skippety. gotta stop f*cking round on this internet and go home and sleep! been up since sunday! argh!
here are some things, i hope that you enjoy!
this is real good tunes, i tell you! just trust me, i am not a good person for describing the sound of music... this will probably knock your stockings off, unless you don't like it. which would be too bad, but is entirely possible.
Enduser- Rukkus
Enduser- There are a Lot of Angry People in the World
Enduser- East Side Breaks
there's more kool stuff if'n you go poking around at this here website <<- CLiCK right o'er there, to the left.
so you didn't like them musics? you could try this other music, it is very different from the above items:
Deerhoof - Milk Man
Deerhoof - Halfrabbit Halfdog
Deerhoof - Sunnyside
Here is a place for you to find more of this stuff!
If that stuff doesn't float your boots or elevate your mood or nothin', well you might be broken, but I am still willing to try!
This is a longshot, but one never knows! Just give it the old college try!
Current 93 - Holy Holy Holy(For Dusa)
No? Okay, well... there's always good ol' Dr. Seuss.
I hope you found something here that you liked today! Thanks for stopping by!
mashed potato cheesecake
mash-ups! I love 'em, though I still haven't found a lot of em that I really like... here are a couple I've discovered...
go here, easier to send you than screwing with the download hut site: Here! -Jay-Zeezer- Jay Z and Weezer mash-ups... interesting...
and here is one of my fave mash-ups right now:
Inhumanz- "Closer to Da Club" - This is at damn-ed download hut so you have to click on that to go their site and download it there... Sorry! Couldn't find it online to link to so had to put 'er somewhere meself.
I discovered it via Some Assembly Requireda show on Radio K which features mash-ups, experimental cut-up music like the Tape Beatles, Negativland, etcetera... good stuff!
here's another interesting one I discovered poking about the internet today:
Couldn't get a direct link up going so you'll have to go here to check out "Fire in the A-Bar - Gay Bar - Electric Six, Firestarter - The Prodigy - Mash-Up" , alrighty!
I'll try and post more that I dig, when I have time to find 'em either online or in my mp3 archives and upload 'em... gotta go get drunk and rock out now, it's Saturday night!
Speaking of Saturday night, here is an awesome Saturday night song I adore, courtesy of Lordz of Brooklyn : Saturday Nite Fever.
If that doesn't work go here to get at their site directly. They gots more music on here for y'all to check out too.
go here, easier to send you than screwing with the download hut site: Here! -Jay-Zeezer- Jay Z and Weezer mash-ups... interesting...
and here is one of my fave mash-ups right now:
Inhumanz- "Closer to Da Club" - This is at damn-ed download hut so you have to click on that to go their site and download it there... Sorry! Couldn't find it online to link to so had to put 'er somewhere meself.
I discovered it via Some Assembly Requireda show on Radio K which features mash-ups, experimental cut-up music like the Tape Beatles, Negativland, etcetera... good stuff!
here's another interesting one I discovered poking about the internet today:
Couldn't get a direct link up going so you'll have to go here to check out "Fire in the A-Bar - Gay Bar - Electric Six, Firestarter - The Prodigy - Mash-Up" , alrighty!
I'll try and post more that I dig, when I have time to find 'em either online or in my mp3 archives and upload 'em... gotta go get drunk and rock out now, it's Saturday night!
Speaking of Saturday night, here is an awesome Saturday night song I adore, courtesy of Lordz of Brooklyn : Saturday Nite Fever.
If that doesn't work go here to get at their site directly. They gots more music on here for y'all to check out too.
more about Polysics
Sorry, that was ever so lame. Really. Almost no info about those bands whatsoever, what's wrong with me?

They're touring in the U.K. right now and it would rock my socks off if they were to come here, dammit... I don't think so. They played a show in Canada, I believe that was recently. I actually haven't been paying much attention to what's been making it's way onto the net about these guys for like a couple years now. Looking for links to post for curious sorts here, I just discovered a whole Polysics Livejournal community that escaped previous notice. Here's their official English language website. Guess they actually played quite a few dates in the states recently, just none all that close to me :(. They have at least 2 albums available in the states, on Asian Man Records which as one might guess from the name has a lot of cool Asian bands on there including several others from Japan. And of course they do have mp3's on there webpage, including one of Polysics, another really awesome song,Married to a Frenchman. Sorry if I accidently implied you could only get them through Emusic, that is not at all the case, though Emusic is a useful option(I love emusic, I'll explain what they do in more depth some other time)... They did a Peel(R.I.P.) session you can check out here.
I really haven't been paying enough attention lately, just realized they've released more albums in Japan that I didn't know about and also DVD's. Argh, gotta figure out how to get my hands on those...
I have to go catch a bus, but I will try and provide more infos about the uber awesome aburadako tomorrow, as well as post some other mp3's...

They're touring in the U.K. right now and it would rock my socks off if they were to come here, dammit... I don't think so. They played a show in Canada, I believe that was recently. I actually haven't been paying much attention to what's been making it's way onto the net about these guys for like a couple years now. Looking for links to post for curious sorts here, I just discovered a whole Polysics Livejournal community that escaped previous notice. Here's their official English language website. Guess they actually played quite a few dates in the states recently, just none all that close to me :(. They have at least 2 albums available in the states, on Asian Man Records which as one might guess from the name has a lot of cool Asian bands on there including several others from Japan. And of course they do have mp3's on there webpage, including one of Polysics, another really awesome song,Married to a Frenchman. Sorry if I accidently implied you could only get them through Emusic, that is not at all the case, though Emusic is a useful option(I love emusic, I'll explain what they do in more depth some other time)... They did a Peel(R.I.P.) session you can check out here.
I really haven't been paying enough attention lately, just realized they've released more albums in Japan that I didn't know about and also DVD's. Argh, gotta figure out how to get my hands on those...
I have to go catch a bus, but I will try and provide more infos about the uber awesome aburadako tomorrow, as well as post some other mp3's...
this is new! this is for musics! yay musics!
As my very first experiment at sharing music i am going to attempt to share some Japanese bands I am fond of with y'all. I hope this works!
Polysics- Hot Stuff
Polysics- Good!
Polysics are a synth manic bunch of Devo-oids from Japan. They rock bunches.
Aburadako- unfortunately I don't have the title to this song. :(
--I messed up the aburadako mp3 link trying to make it less wonky... at least, I can't get it to work, and I forgot to take note of the old link. will put back up soon. Sorry.--
"greasy octopus"- a webpage with some brief info about Aburadako, which translates to "greasy octopus" in English.
i guess that'll be it for the moment. more to come soon!
please note the mp3 link will take you to download hut page where you click on the text that says to 'click on it and right click to save target as' ... yeah something like that.
feedbacks on this good. please do go to trouble, these songs are worth the hearing and one is unlikely to find music by these bands online elsewhere- except you can get a subscription to emusic and download 2 Polysics albums. Emusic is awesome and you can get yer first 50 downloads free. if you can tell 'em "wetjesus" sent you, i can 50 free mp3's for getting others to try it. yay.
Polysics- Hot Stuff
Polysics- Good!
Polysics are a synth manic bunch of Devo-oids from Japan. They rock bunches.
Aburadako- unfortunately I don't have the title to this song. :(
--I messed up the aburadako mp3 link trying to make it less wonky... at least, I can't get it to work, and I forgot to take note of the old link. will put back up soon. Sorry.--
"greasy octopus"- a webpage with some brief info about Aburadako, which translates to "greasy octopus" in English.
i guess that'll be it for the moment. more to come soon!
feedbacks on this good. please do go to trouble, these songs are worth the hearing and one is unlikely to find music by these bands online elsewhere- except you can get a subscription to emusic and download 2 Polysics albums. Emusic is awesome and you can get yer first 50 downloads free. if you can tell 'em "wetjesus" sent you, i can 50 free mp3's for getting others to try it. yay.
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