i found myself humming this song today, it's a Japanese hip-hop song but it's got... I think maybe it's Shamisen? - Japanese stringed instrument in it... It's called Dakara Sono Te O Hanashi, at least according to whomever originally labeled, I don't recall where I found it... It's labeled as being Dabo, who I've heard other stuff by, and I'm not sure if that's correct. Anyway, it's a really good song. Do give it a listen. (the link is "this song" up there).
Here is a real good mash-up, Faint vs. Daft Punk, "Techno Attack". And you gotta check out the site that is from, Bass 211 Bootlegs, they podcast mash-ups and other good stuff. The most recent song up is a really neat cover of Roy Orbison's "In Dreams" I am not linking directly that one. Do visit the site. :)
I believe I have mentioned Dictionaraoke("the singing dictionary") before, how so ever I dunno that I specifically referenced one of the bestest songs on there-- Stark Effect's rendition of Dr. Seuss's Green Eggs and Ham. If you like this visit Stark Effect dot com for more audio mayhem. And if you like this sort of stuff, mash-ups, or sample collage type stuff, be sure to visit the sites of the different artists who put together the songs on Dictionaraoke's site, each artist name is also a link to their website and most have other sorts of nifty audio miscellany they've created. And check out my prior posts as I have posted about such musics and sound art before.
I should note as I am speaking of such things that Negativlandland opened yesterday at Creative Electric Studios in NE Minneapolis. For more infos click on their name their and go to their website. And do check out Negativland's site.
I didn't end up going to the opening but I plan on checking this out soon.
fledgeling music blog to share auditory stimulation I find fascinating; could be anything from avant garde sound art sample collage to indie folk industrial hip-hop or somesuch madness ;) also will be makin' 'n' sharin' eclectic cd length mp3 mixes monthly-bimonthly
bosc, new album, yay!
new new new Belles of Skin City cd coming out May 19!
i am very excited
if'n you click on the pic of the album cover below you can listen to or download an mp3 from the new album!
below the pic is link to the totes gross nat'l product page for the new album. rawk!

totally gross national product
you can check out these fine cd release shows coming up at the Triple Rock:
Friday, May 19th 21+
w/ The Drunk Drivers
Maps and Atlases (chicago)
The God Damn Doo Wop Band
Sunday, May 21st all ages
w/ Maps and Atlases (chicago)
and and and more songs to be heard if'n you go to their myspace page
yrtl haz a new song!
new song. it's rough, not the final version. still working on is. go check out do!

phenobarb bambalam
chris connelly! he's worked with pigface, revolting cocks, ministry, and a hella buncha of other stuff and has really good solo stuff! check it, boyz and girlz--
official page
there are bunch of live recordings here to download!
it's really quite amazing, i have a chris connelly album but haven't listened to it much- i should. last night i heard this song- ignition times four at a friend's place and recognized it as a song i heard on college radio back in the early 90's and really liked but never knew the name of. finally found out who it was. yay! the version linked to there is live. also please don't stream, it'll hurt their bandwidth... download it.
official page
there are bunch of live recordings here to download!
it's really quite amazing, i have a chris connelly album but haven't listened to it much- i should. last night i heard this song- ignition times four at a friend's place and recognized it as a song i heard on college radio back in the early 90's and really liked but never knew the name of. finally found out who it was. yay! the version linked to there is live. also please don't stream, it'll hurt their bandwidth... download it.

this shoulda been with the prior post, it's an audio blog i just today discovered that's pretty darn cool. the focus is on halloween related stuff but if that's not for you, scroll on down and find the clip from an old "how to pick up girls" recording.... i haven't listened to it yet myself, but does look quite promising.
and there's more jsut keep poking about...
scarstuff audio blog
and there's more jsut keep poking about...
scarstuff audio blog
awesome weird collection neato
i found this site ages ago and adored it then i misplaced the link and couldn't remember enough about it to find it until now i came up with enough to seek and find and it is indeed a cool collection of interesting audio artifacts-
clckmetogothere. it is a truly amazing array of bits of everythings- weird covers, singing celebrities, wacky x-tian whatnot, other oddball miscellany.
and than another thing extremely damn cool do so checkout pleez-
the mighty KOMPRESSOR
you will like KOMPRESSOR
clckmetogothere. it is a truly amazing array of bits of everythings- weird covers, singing celebrities, wacky x-tian whatnot, other oddball miscellany.
and than another thing extremely damn cool do so checkout pleez-
the mighty KOMPRESSOR
you will like KOMPRESSOR
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